


1.jenkins报错 Unable to create the home directory. This is most likely a permission problem

浏览器中访问 jenkins 报错如下


生产中我们的jenkins是以war包形式放在tomcat的 webapps目录下启动的,tomcat设置的端口为8080

浏览器中报错如图后,登陆服务器查看,tomcat进程、监听的8080端口都是存在的,但是还是报错如图所示,尝试重启tomcat问题没有解决,但是有一个很奇怪的问题,当执行 ./bin/shutdown.sh 停止tomcat后,8080端口进程依然存在

参考stackoverflow文章,文章中也有人提到了需要设置jenkins家目录 JENKINS_HOME 变量,并且设置目录所有者为jenkins用户,这里我们的jenkins家目录设置的是 /root/.jenkins,是在 /etc/profile 中设置为 export JENKINS_HOME="/root/.jenkins",并且 /root/.jenkins 目录所有者就是jenkins用户,也没有改动,查看日志也没有找到有用的信息

尝试重启tomcat无效后,最终解决方法是直接kill掉8080端口对应的进程,然后执行 ./bin/startup.sh 启动tomcat,浏览器刷新等待jenkins重启完毕就可以了

2.jenkins报错 Jenkins detected that you appear to be running more than one instance of Jenkins that share the same home directory

Jenkins detected that you appear to be running more than one instance of Jenkins that share the same home directory '/root/.jenkins’. This greatly confuses Jenkins and you will likely experience strange behaviors, so please correct the situation.

This Jenkins: 158454546 contextPath="" at 1541@localhost
Other Jenkins: 1455232034 contextPath="/jenkins20190612" at 1541@localhost


jenkins出现 Unable to create the home directory. This is most likely a permission problem 问题后,kill掉进程后重启,运行一段时间后报错如图,参考网上文章是jenkins启动之后会在jenkins home目录($JENKINS_HOME)下生成一个".owner"文件,里面标识了本次jenkins实例的唯一标识,把这个文件删除就可以了

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